DP Training

DP Basic (Induction), DP Advanced (Simulator), DP Vessel Maintainer (DPVM) Courses


Dynamic positioning (DP) is a rapidly maturing technology, having been born of necessity as a result of the increasing demands of expanding oil and gas exploration industry.There exist over 1,000 DP-capable vessels, the majority of them are operationally related to the exploration or exploitation of oil and gas reserves.

The more recent moves into deeper waters and harsh-environment locations, together with the requirement to consider more environmental-friendly methods, has brought about the great development in the area of Dynamic Positioning techniques and technology. It is interesting to note the diversity of vessel types and functions using DP, and the way that, during the past twenty years, this has encompassed many functions unrelated to the offshore oil and gas industries. A list of activities executed by DP vessels would include the following:
° Coring
° Exploration drilling (core sampling)
° Production drilling
° Diver support
° Pipelay (rigid and flexible pipe)
° Cable lay and repair
° multi-role
° Accommodation or 'flotel' services
° Hydrographic survey
° Pre- or Post- operational survey
° Wreck survey, salvage and removal
° Dredging
° Rock dumping (pipeline protection)
° Sub sea installation
° lifting (topsides and sub sea)
° Well stimulation and work over
° Platform supply
° Shuttle tanker off take
° Floating production (with or without storage)
° Heavy lift cargo transport
° Passenger cruises
° mine counter measures
° Oceanographical research
° Seabed mining

DP is also used in:

° Rocket launch platform positioning
° Repair / maintenance support to military vessels
° Ship-to-ship transfer and
° Manoeuvring conventional vessels
Position reference systems and other peripherals are also improving and redundancy is provided on all vessels designed to conduct higher-risk operations.
Oceans XV Educational Trust is Accredited by Nautical Institute (NI) London-U.K. The training is conducted on latest simulators from Kongsberg-DP Class C for DP basic course & DP Class B, with visual, for DP Advanced course.
Capt Rajesh Sharma who has more than 20 years of experience of working in the offshore industry is an approved instructor by NI and has been teaching at the Institute for more than 10 years.
Dr Surender Kumar, a very experienced DP Trainer & approved NI Instructor is also associated with the Training Centre. He has written several books on “Dynamic Positioning” which are very popular.
The DP Basic & Advanced courses are conducted every alternate week, generally. The courses are non-residential and run from Monday to Friday (5 days).
Oceans XV Educational Trust has also been approved by NI DPVM course which is of 5 days duration. This course, recently introduced by NI, is required to be done by Engineer Officers & ETO’s working the offshore Industry. After completing the tasks mentioned in the DPVM Log Book & required DP Sea Service/DP Sea time the candidate concerned is eligible to apply to NI for DPVM Certification.

The present fee structure for the courses are:-

° DP Basic (Induction) course- Rs.55,000/- (inclusive of all taxes) & NI DP Log Book
° DP Advanced (Simulator) course- Rs.65,000/-(inclusive of all taxes)
° DP Vessel Maintainer Course (DPVM) - Rs.70,000/-(inclusive of all taxes & DPVM Log Book); Duration - 5 days

° Online DP Vessel Maintainer Course (DPVM) - 1150 US$ (inclusive of all taxes & DPVM Log Book); Duration - 5 days

° DP Revalidation Course - Rs.70,000/-(inclusive of all taxes); Duration - 5 days

° DP Refresher & Competency Assessment Course - Rs.70,000/-(inclusive of all taxes); Duration - 5 days

Cancellation Policy:-

DP Courses are booked at the Training Centre by a minimum amount of Rs. 10,000/- (ten thousand only). The cancellation policy being followed at the Training Centre is as mentioned below:-
"Any cancellation made or the candidate fails to show up, prior to starting of the course then from the booking amount, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- (five thousand only) will be deducted. The balance, if any, will be refunded to the candidate by A/C payees cheque or E-Transfer."